
Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Hey guys so sorry it has been a week since I've posted! All last week I was very sick and I didn't do fabulous on eating NO to LITTLE meat. I'm not even going to lie! However, I did start taking my vitamins again and have been very good about taking them EVERYDAY since!! Also last week while I was not feeling so great I did eat lots of veggies. So I still had a decent amount of meat but I upped my veggie intake. Which in all reality is more of my goal then quitting meat all together!

I also didn't really get to work out until this weekend and let me tell you I walked miles and miles on Saturday. Tailgated at a HUGE schools tailgate and it was never ending lol. Felt great and earned me 8... YEP 8 activity points for the day! That's a lot. I'm also on Instagram and I follow several fitness people and was able, through IG, to discover some new fitness apps that I really want to share with you. (QUICK SIDE NOTE: To save money because I really need to right now I'm NOT going to get a gym membership like I wanted and hoped for. Instead the apps I'm about to talk about are going to be in the place of that and I'll explain why as well.)

APPS (these are for the iPhone not sure if all of them are on Android!!!)

1. Moves - I originally heard about this from Onna's Little Blog she is a fashion and weightloss Vlogger on YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram and has a blog as well all called Onna's Little Blog. This app turns your phone into a pedometer. It knows how many steps/miles you've walked when you're moving in a car etc. As long as your phone is with you in a pocket or even your purse the GPS tracker tracks all of the information in the background of your phone throughout the day!

2. Map My Walk - Also a website I found this app because my cousin likes Map My Run.. I HATE running but map my walk is the same. It shows you your map, and about how many calories you've burned, and keeps track of it all so you can see how much you walked or ran each week or month etc. And, there are more options when you log in online as well.

3. Endomondo - Very similar to map my walk. Shows you your map, records how long you walked, how many miles you average an hour, calories, water loss, elevations etc and keeps track of days walked on a calendar. Also a very good app that I enjoy very much.

4. Pumpup - This is the app I'm most excited about and why I'm not worried about not having the gym as an option for a while! This is the app I learned about today. I am VERY excited to start using this app tomorrow. And, I WILL make a video to show this app better because it's just too cool to describe in a blog. This app allows you to set up if you are wanting a beginner, intermediate, or expert level workout. You tell it what you are wanting to accomplish: Weight loss, core, toning etc. Then if you are working out at home or the gym. It customizes your workouts. I selected Home and it asks all the equipment I have access to. I told it I have a stair master, stationary bike, jump rope, ball, and hand weights. It works in all of my options with different reps to work an all body workout to lose weight! It also keeps track of the days you work out etc. Like I said I'm going to get started with the app tomorrow and in a few days post a video about it.

If I discover any more before the video I'll be making I will include them in the video.

And, also I will for sure post EVERY Tuesday because that is WW day and I will post with how much weight was lost from the week before as the title. On occasion the blog title will have a positive number and I had to learn the hard way not to get upset by that. Because, I'll be eating a lot better and working out MOST days and starting to build muscle, and that weighs more!

Again, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a week being sick all week made me not want to do much but sleep and I was busy the whole weekend. Also I'm sorry I wasn't as amazing as I wanted my first week to be but I think I did pretty well! And, I'm at this point not worried about not joining the gym. Saving money and the discovery of this new app has me VERY excited and as I grow my personal fitness equipment, which I'm working on, I don't think it will be too much of an issue at least while I'm getting started.

As always thank you for reading and I'll be back with a video soon!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sickness Got Me..

Today was supposed to be day one of my gym membership and day one of clean eating (primary plant based). However, I have woken up with a swollen throat and body aches..

Who gets sick in the summer?!? Apparently THIS GAL!!!

Gym and working out will be postponed a few days, however, I've been snacking on fruits and veggies this morning along with some medicine. Hoping to have this gone by Tuesday or Wednesday to start that gym membership and continue this journey!